Hall Entrance Refresh Kits

Hall Entrance Refresh kits

These kits only apply to OTIS offset integral  hanger hall door system and Otis 7087 applied (offset cast iron) hall door systems, installed after about 1963 & mostly before 2005. Most Otis hall door systems carried very uniform designs over the years. One indicator is if Otis 6940 locks are present, the likelihood of having either hanger type mentioned above is very high. But please examine the hangers and use our Hall hangers and Tracks ID flyer if need be to help you identify what you have.

To see what the kits contain, click on the link here.

To order the kits with a UNITEC Representative, use the part numbers listed below:

SINGLE SLIDE HALL –  Pre 2000 hall entrance refresh kit for Otis doors C6178Y410
CENTER OPENING HALL – Pre 2000 hall entrance refresh kit for Otis doors F6178T410
2-SPEED OPENING HALL – Pre 2000 hall entrance refresh kit for Otis doors E6178R410
(2-Spd Aircord Drive angle w/dual pulleys specified separately)

SINGLE SLIDE HALL –  Post 1999 (metric) hall refresh kit for Otis doors C6178Y411
CENTER OPENING HALL – Post 1999 (metric) hall refresh kit for Otis doors F6178T411
2-SPEED OPENING HALL – Post 1999 (metric) hall refresh kit for Otis doors E6178R411
(2-Spd Aircord Drive angle w/dual pulleys specified separately)

You may also like to consider:

REFRESH your system with a  Car Side Door Refresh Kit as well. When performing work on an OTIS car front, always recognize the increased usage endured by the car doors as opposed to the hall side. Systems, even 5 years old can exhibit tremendous wear and deterioration. The UNITEC Car Side Refresh Kits afford you that new operation feel and performance you need.

RENEW your system with our  6940 Door Lock Labor Saver Kit. Get like-new lock without the cost of new locks! Replace only the parts that wear and save time, money and effort. There are just 4 bolts standing between you and an interlock refresh!